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The update function updates a specified value of a key or a specified element in a collection.


To update the value of a key:

<collectionVariable>.update(<key>, <updateValue>);


To update an element:

<collectionVariable>.update(<elementIndex>, <updatedValue>);


ParameterData typeDescription

The variable in which the value of a key or an element will be updated.

<key>All Data Types

The key whose value will be updated.

If a new key is specified, the key-value pair will get added as a new pair. 


The index of the element which will be updated with a new value.

If the specified index does not exist, a runtime error will be encountered.

<updatedValue>ALL DATA TYPESThe value which will replace the existing value.


 products = collection("Creator", "CRM", "Campaigns");  
 products.update(2, "Analytics"); //replaces "Campaigns" with "Analytics"
 info products;
 // Returns, Creator,CRM,Analytics
 productVersion = collection("Creator" : 5, "CRM" : 2);
 productVersion.update("CRM", 3); // replaces the value 2 with 3
 info productVersion;
 // Returns, {"Creator":5,"CRM":3}

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