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Split A Ticket In Zoho Desk


This task is used to split a reply from an existing ticket as a new ticket.


<variable>  =  zoho.desk.ticket.split(<orgID>, <ticket_ID>, <thread_ID>, <connection>);


ParamsData typeDescription



specifies the variable which hold the response returned by Zoho Desk. It represents the values of the new record created.



specifies the organization ID of the account in which the ticket exists. This can be found in Zoho Desk Settings > Developer Space > API.  




specifies the ID of the ticket from which a thread (reply) will be split as a new ticket.

Learn how to fetch the record ID after creating or fetching records.



specifies the ID of the thread (reply) that will be split as a new ticket.

To get thread ID of a reply, use zoho.desk.getRelatedRecords task with the module name - threads, the parent module name - tickets, and the parent ID - <ticket_Id>




specifies the name of the connection.

The scope which needs to be selected is:   

*Note: This is a mandatory param when used in Zoho Creator.


The following script splits a reply with thread ID - 168XXXXXXXXXXXX005 of the ticket with ID - 168XXXXXXXXXXXX001 into a new ticket.

 response = zoho.desk.ticket.split(641XXXXXX, 168XXXXXXXXXXXX001, 16XXXXXXXXXXXXX044, "desk_connection");


is the variable which will hold the response returned by Zoho Desk. It represents the values of the new ticket created.
is the NUMBER that represents the organization ID
is the NUMBER that represents the ID of the ticket from which a reply needs to be split as a new ticket
is the NUMBER that represents the thread ID, i.e., the ID of the reply that needs to be split as a new ticket
is the TEXT that represents the name of the connection

Sample Response

Success Response

  • The success response returned is of the following format.

      "ticketNumber": "685",
      "modifiedTime": "2019-02-26T10:37:50.000Z",
      "subCategory": null,
      "statusType": "Open",
      "subject": "Re: [## 677 ##] Ticket Updated",
      "customFields": {
      "Mailing Zip": null,
      "TAM": null,
      "Quote number": null,
      "TestData": null,
      "LightAgents": null,
      "attachmentLinks": null,
      "Contract Type": null,
      "Serial Number": null,
      "Mailing Country": null,
      "Total Age": null,
      "Start Date": null,
      "bugID": null,
      "PreviousTicketOwner": null,
      "Managed Firewall": null,
      "Manufacturer": null,
      "Sales Lead?": "false",
      "advisory": null,
      "LIS Customer": null,
      "Single Date": null,
      "DateCF": null,
      "Event_Scheduled": null,
      "Office Name": null,
      "previousClosedTime": null,
      "Incoming Count": null,
      "offbusinesshour": "false",
      "SAM": null,
      "Every issue no.": null,
      "Setup Sub Category": null,
      "TicketOwnerUpdatedTime": null,
      "Every issue link": null,
      "PotentialId": null,
      "TestNumber": null,
      "Ticket type": null,
      "Invoice Number": null,
      "Access Information": null,
      "NewTicketNumber": null,
      "Type of Category": null,
      "account type": null,
      "Service Frequency": null,
      "SalesLead_alertSend": "false",
      "SATcase Serial Number": null,
      "Mailing City": null,
      "Mailing State": null,
      "OldTicketNumber": null,
      "Department Responsible": null,
      "Mailing Street": null,
      "Model": null,
      "TestDate": null,
      "Outgoing Count": null,
      "NewContact": "false"
      "dueDate": null,
      "departmentId": "168XXXXXXXXXXXX907",
      "channel": "Email",
      "description": null,
      "onholdTime": null,
      "resolution": null,
      "sharedDepartments": [
      "closedTime": null,
      "approvalCount": "0",
      "timeEntryCount": "0",
      "channelRelatedInfo": null,
      "responseDueDate": null,
      "isDeleted": false,
      "isTrashed": false,
      "createdTime": "2019-02-26T10:37:50.000Z",
      "modifiedBy": "168XXXXXXXXXXXX005",
      "id": "168XXXXXXXXXXXX001",
      "isResponseOverdue": false,
      "email": "",
      "customerResponseTime": "2019-02-26T10:37:49.000Z",
      "productId": null,
      "contactId": "168XXXXXXXXXXXX001",
      "threadCount": "1",
      "priority": null,
      "classification": null,
      "assigneeId": null,
      "commentCount": "0",
      "taskCount": "0",
      "accountId": null,
      "phone": null,
      "webUrl": "",
      "teamId": null,
      "attachmentCount": "0",
      "category": null,
      "status": "Open"

Failure Response

  • The failure response returned for incorrect or non-existent organization ID is of the following format.

       "message":"The value passed for the 'orgId' parameter is invalid."
  • The failure response returned for incorrect or non-existent record ID is of the following format.

      "message":"You are not authorized to access this resource."

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