Pause Zia Reminders when you don't need them.

When you have hundreds of leads and contacts to follow-up with everyday, it's really tough to prioritize whom to contact first, and when. Zia, your intelligent sales assistant comes to the rescue by suggesting the best time to contact them.

However, scheduling your day around these best time to contact suggestions can be rather tricky. You can't be setting reminders based on these best times individually for each record. Set Zia reminders instead to take care of the scheduling, and receive reminders for your list of tasks based on their respective best times to contact.

Coming to your tip, did you know that you can actually pause Zia reminders at times when you won't be able to follow-up? Let's say, for instance, that you're taking a lunch break everyday between 12 to 1 pm, or you have a team meeting with your colleagues between 4 to 5 pm, you can pause reminders during these times.

All you have to do is go to Setup > General > Zia > Zia Reminder, select Pause notifications and choose for how long you want to pause them.

There you have it! Zia now makes sure not to send you reminders during these times.

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