Send mass emails to specific groups of leads or contacts

Business scenario:

Although the ways in which people communicate with each other has grown to an extent where there are lots of different ways, the most simplest but effective means would be emails. Especially in the case of businesses. No matter if it's for a deal, lead qualification, campaign etc, emails are quite important. However, depending on the scenario, time and season, there might be different emails that need to be sent to different leads or contacts. When the leads/contacts are not in succession, you would have to send the emails from the individual records page. Wouldn’t it be great if you can select the list of leads or contacts in the List view page of the module and send the emails in one go? The Function (custom function) for today helps you do just that.

Add this function to a button in the Leads or Contacts module. You can use this function multiple times to store different templates of emails and send them as necessary. This ensures your emails are sent to the right people at the right time and help you with your business.


Getting started with the function:

  1. Go to Setup > Customization > Modules and Fields > Select the required module > Links and Buttons > + New Button.
  2. Provide a name for the button. Add a description(optional).
  3. Choose List View Page from the drop-down list.
  4. Select Writing Function from the subsequent drop-down.
  5. Provide a name for the function. Add a description(optional).
  6. Copy the code given below.
  7. Click Edit Arguments.
  8. Enter the name as leadId and select the value as Lead Id.
  9. Save the changes.
  10. Select the profiles who can see this button.
  11. Click Save.

The Code:

leadIdsList = input.leadId.toList("|||");
for each leadIdStr in leadIdsList
resp = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Leads", leadIdStr.toLong());
email = ifnull(resp.get("Email"),"");
To : email 
From : zoho.adminuserid 
Subject : "{subject_of_the_email}" 
Message : "{message_content}" 
return "LeadID" + input.leadId;



  • The above code works only for API V2.0 and not the previous version.

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