Node JS SDK Samples - Notes Operations

Get Notes
const {NotesOperations, DeleteNotesParam, GetNotesHeader, GetNotesParam, GetNoteHeader, GetNoteParam} = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/notes_operations");
const ZCRMNote = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/note").Note;
const ZCRMRecord = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/record/record").Record;
const ParameterMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/parameter_map").ParameterMap;
const HeaderMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/header_map").HeaderMap;
const ResponseWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/response_wrapper").ResponseWrapper;
const ActionWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/action_wrapper").ActionWrapper;
const APIException = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/api_exception").APIException;
const SuccessResponse = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/success_response").SuccessResponse;
const BodyWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/body_wrapper").BodyWrapper;

class Note{
     *  Get Notes 
     * This method is used to get the list of notes and print the response.
    static async getNotes(){

        //Get instance of NotesOperations Class
        let notesOperations = new NotesOperations();

        //Get instance of ParameterMap Class
        let paramInstance = new ParameterMap();

        /* Possible parameters for Get Notes */

        await paramInstance.add(GetNotesParam.PAGE, 1);

        await paramInstance.add(GetNotesParam.PER_PAGE, 200);

        await paramInstance.add(GetNotesParam.FIELDS, "id,Modified_Time");

        //Get instance of HeaderMap Class
        let headerInstance = new HeaderMap();

        /* Possible headers for Get Notes */
        await headerInstance.add(GetNotesHeader.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, new Date("2019-06-01T00:00:00+05:30"));

        //Call getNotes method that takes paramInstance and headerInstance as parameters
        let response = await notesOperations.getNotes(paramInstance, headerInstance);

        if(response != null){

            //Get the status code from response
            console.log("Status Code: " + response.statusCode);

            if([204, 304].includes(response.statusCode)){
                console.log(response.statusCode == 204? "No Content" : "Not Modified");


            //Get object from response
            let responseObject = response.object;

            if(responseObject != null){

                //Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received
                if(responseObject instanceof ResponseWrapper){

                    //Get the array of obtained Note instances
                    let notes = responseObject.getData();

                    notes.forEach(note => {

                        //Get the owner User instance of each Note
                        let owner = note.getOwner();
                        //Check if owner is not null
                        if(owner != null){
                            //Get the name of the owner User
                            console.log("Note Owner User-Name: " + owner.getName());
                            //Get the ID of the owner User
                            console.log("Note Owner User-ID: " + owner.getId());
                            //Get the Email of the owner User
                            console.log("Note Owner Email: " + owner.getEmail());
                        //Get the ModifiedTime of each Note
                        console.log("Note ModifiedTime: " + note.getModifiedTime());
                        //Get the list of Attachment instance each Note
                        let attachments = note.getAttachments();
                        //Check if attachments is not null
                        if(attachments != null)
                            attachments.forEach(attachment => {
                        //Get the CreatedTime of each Note
                        console.log("Note CreatedTime: " + note.getCreatedTime());
                        //Get the parentId Record instance of each Note
                        let parentId = note.getParentId();
                        //Check if parentId is not null
                        if(parentId != null)
                            if(parentId.getKeyValue("name") != null)
                                //Get the parent record Name of each Note
                                console.log("Note parent record Name: " + parentId.getKeyValue("name"));
                            //Get the parent record ID of each Note
                            console.log("Note parent record ID: " + parentId.getId());
                        //Get the Editable of each Note
                        console.log("Note Editable: " + note.getEditable().toString());
                        //Get the SeModule of each Note
                        console.log("Note SeModule: " + note.getSeModule());
                        //Get the IsSharedToClient of each Note
                        console.log("Note IsSharedToClient: " + note.getIsSharedToClient().toString());
                        //Get the modifiedBy User instance of each Note
                        let modifiedBy = note.getModifiedBy();
                        //Check if modifiedBy is not null
                        if(modifiedBy != null){
                            //Get the Name of the modifiedBy User
                            console.log("Note Modified By User-Name: " + modifiedBy.getName());
                            //Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
                            console.log("Note Modified By User-ID: " + modifiedBy.getId());
                            //Get the Email of the modifiedBy User
                            console.log("Note Modified By User-Email: " + modifiedBy.getEmail());
                        //Get the Size of each Note
                        console.log("Note Size: " + note.getSize());
                        //Get the State of each Note
                        console.log("Note State: " + note.getState());
                        //Get the VoiceNote of each Note
                        console.log("Note VoiceNote: " + note.getVoiceNote().toString());
                        //Get the Id of each Note
                        console.log("Note Id: " + note.getId());
                        //Get the createdBy User instance of each Note
                        let createdBy = note.getCreatedBy();
                        //Check if createdBy is not null
                        if(createdBy != null){
                            //Get the Name of the createdBy User
                            console.log("Note Created By User-Name: " + createdBy.getName());
                            //Get the ID of the createdBy User
                            console.log("Note Created By User-ID: " + createdBy.getId());
                            //Get the Email of the createdBy User
                            console.log("Note Created By User-Email: " + createdBy.getEmail());
                        //Get the NoteTitle of each Note
                        console.log("Note NoteTitle: " + note.getNoteTitle());
                        //Get the NoteContent of each Note
                        console.log("Note NoteContent: " + note.getNoteContent());

                    //Get the Info object from object
                    let info = responseObject.getInfo();

                    if(info != null){
                        if(info.getPerPage() != null){
                            //Get the PerPage of the Info
                            console.log("Note Info PerPage: " + info.getPerPage().toString());
                        if(info.getCount() != null){
                            //Get the Count of the Info
                            console.log("Note Info Count: " + info.getCount().toString());
                        if(info.getPage() != null){
                            //Get the Page of the Info
                            console.log("Note Info Page: " + info.getPage());
                        if(info.getMoreRecords() != null){
                            //Get the MoreRecords of the Info
                            console.log("Note Info MoreRecords: " + info.getMoreRecords().toString());
            //Check if the request returned an exception
            else if(responseObject instanceof APIException){
                //Get the Status
                console.log("Status: " + responseObject.getStatus().getValue());

                //Get the Code
                console.log("Code: " + responseObject.getCode().getValue());


                //Get the details map
                let details = responseObject.getDetails();

                if(details != null){
                    Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                        console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                //Get the Message
                console.log("Message: " + responseObject.getMessage().getValue());
    static async printAttachment(attachment){

        //Get the Owner User instance of each attachment
        let owner = attachment.getOwner();
        //Check if owner is not null
        if(owner != null){
            //Get the Name of the Owner
            console.log("Note Attachment Owner User-Name: " + owner.getName());
            //Get the ID of the Owner
            console.log("Note Attachment Owner User-ID: " + owner.getId());
            //Get the Email of the Owner
            console.log("Note Attachment Owner User-Email: " + owner.getEmail());
        //Get the modified time of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment Modified Time: " + attachment.getModifiedTime().toString());
        //Get the name of the File
        console.log("Note Attachment File Name: " + attachment.getFileName());
        //Get the created time of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment Created Time: " + attachment.getCreatedTime().toString());
        //Get the Attachment file size
        console.log("Note Attachment File Size: " + attachment.getSize().toString());
        //Get the parentId Record instance of each attachment
        let parentId = attachment.getParentId();
        //Check if parentId is not null
        if(parentId != null)
            //Get the parent record Name of each attachment
            console.log("Note Attachment parent record Name: " + parentId.getKeyValue("name"));
            //Get the parent record ID of each attachment
            console.log("Note Attachment parent record ID: " + parentId.getId());
        //Get the attachment is Editable
        console.log("Note Attachment is Editable: " + attachment.getEditable().toString());
        //Get the file ID of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment File ID: " + attachment.getFileId());
        //Get the type of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment File Type: " + attachment.getType());
        //Get the seModule of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment seModule: " + attachment.getSeModule());
        //Get the modifiedBy User instance of each attachment
        let modifiedBy = attachment.getModifiedBy();
        //Check if modifiedBy is not null
        if(modifiedBy != null){
            //Get the Name of the modifiedBy User
            console.log("Note Attachment Modified By User-Name: " + modifiedBy.getName());
            //Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
            console.log("Note Attachment Modified By User-ID: " + modifiedBy.getId());
            //Get the Email of the modifiedBy User
            console.log("Note Attachment Modified By User-Email: " + modifiedBy.getEmail());
        //Get the state of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment State: " + attachment.getState());
        //Get the ID of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment ID: " + attachment.getId());
        //Get the createdBy User instance of each attachment
        let createdBy = attachment.getCreatedBy();
        //Check if createdBy is not null
        if(createdBy != null){
            //Get the name of the createdBy User
            console.log("Note Attachment Created By User-Name: " + createdBy.getName());
            //Get the ID of the createdBy User
            console.log("Note Attachment Created By User-ID: " + createdBy.getId());
            //Get the Email of the createdBy User
            console.log("Note Attachment Created By User-Email: " + createdBy.getEmail());
        //Get the linkUrl of each attachment
        console.log("Note Attachment LinkUrl: " + attachment.getLinkUrl());
module.exports = {Note}
Create Notes
const {NotesOperations, DeleteNotesParam, GetNotesHeader, GetNotesParam, GetNoteHeader, GetNoteParam} = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/notes_operations");
const ZCRMNote = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/note").Note;
const ZCRMRecord = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/record/record").Record;
const ParameterMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/parameter_map").ParameterMap;
const HeaderMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/header_map").HeaderMap;
const ResponseWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/response_wrapper").ResponseWrapper;
const ActionWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/action_wrapper").ActionWrapper;
const APIException = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/api_exception").APIException;
const SuccessResponse = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/success_response").SuccessResponse;
const BodyWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/body_wrapper").BodyWrapper;

class Note{
     *  Create Notes 
     * This method is used to add new notes and print the response.
    static async createNotes(){

        //Get instance of NotesOperations Class
        let notesOperations = new NotesOperations();

        //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
        let request = new BodyWrapper();

        //Array to hold Note instances
        let notesArray = [];

        for (let index = 0; index  {

                        //Check if the request is successful
                        if(actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                        //Check if the request returned an exception
                        else if(actionResponse instanceof APIException){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            //Get the Message
                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                //Check if the request returned an exception
                else if(responseObject instanceof APIException){

                    //Get the Status
                    console.log("Status: " + responseObject.getStatus().getValue());

                    //Get the Code
                    console.log("Code: " + responseObject.getCode().getValue());


                    //Get the details map
                    let details = responseObject.getDetails();

                    if(details != null){
                        Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                            console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                    //Get the Message
                    console.log("Message: " + responseObject.getMessage().getValue());
module.exports = {Note}
Update Notes
const {NotesOperations, DeleteNotesParam, GetNotesHeader, GetNotesParam, GetNoteHeader, GetNoteParam} = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/notes_operations");
const ZCRMNote = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/note").Note;
const ZCRMRecord = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/record/record").Record;
const ParameterMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/parameter_map").ParameterMap;
const HeaderMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/header_map").HeaderMap;
const ResponseWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/response_wrapper").ResponseWrapper;
const ActionWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/action_wrapper").ActionWrapper;
const APIException = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/api_exception").APIException;
const SuccessResponse = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/success_response").SuccessResponse;
const BodyWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/body_wrapper").BodyWrapper;

class Note{
     *  Update Notes
     * This method is used to update existing notes with Ids and print the response.
    static async updateNotes(){

        //Get instance of NotesOperations Class
        let notesOperations = new NotesOperations();

        //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
        let request = new BodyWrapper();

        //Array to hold Note instances
        let notesArray = [];

        //Get instance of Note Class
        let note = new ZCRMNote();

        //Set ID to Note

        //Set Note_Title of the Note
        //Set NoteContent of the Note
        note.setNoteContent("Need to do further tracking12");
        //Add Note instance to the array
        //Get instance of Note Class
        note = new ZCRMNote();

        //Set ID to Note
        //Set Note_Title of the Note
        //Set NoteContent of the Note
        note.setNoteContent("Need to do further tracking13");
        //Add Note instance to the array
        //Set the array to data in BodyWrapper instance

        //Call updateNotes method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter
        let response = await notesOperations.updateNotes(request);

        if(response != null){

            //Get the status code from response
            console.log("Status Code: " + response.statusCode);

            //Get object from response
            let responseObject = response.object;

            if(responseObject != null){

                //Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received 
                if(responseObject instanceof ActionWrapper){

                    //Get the array of obtained ActionResponse instances
                    let actionResponses = responseObject.getData();

                    actionResponses.forEach(actionResponse => {

                        //Check if the request is successful
                        if(actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                        //Check if the request returned an exception
                        else if(actionResponse instanceof APIException){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            //Get the Message
                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                //Check if the request returned an exception
                else if(responseObject instanceof APIException){

                    //Get the Status
                    console.log("Status: " + responseObject.getStatus().getValue());

                    //Get the Code
                    console.log("Code: " + responseObject.getCode().getValue());


                    //Get the details map
                    let details = responseObject.getDetails();

                    if(details != null){
                        Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                            console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                    //Get the Message
                    console.log("Message: " + responseObject.getMessage().getValue());
module.exports = {Note}
Delete Notes
const {NotesOperations, DeleteNotesParam, GetNotesHeader, GetNotesParam, GetNoteHeader, GetNoteParam} = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/notes_operations");
const ZCRMNote = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/note").Note;
const ZCRMRecord = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/record/record").Record;
const ParameterMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/parameter_map").ParameterMap;
const HeaderMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/header_map").HeaderMap;
const ResponseWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/response_wrapper").ResponseWrapper;
const ActionWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/action_wrapper").ActionWrapper;
const APIException = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/api_exception").APIException;
const SuccessResponse = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/success_response").SuccessResponse;
const BodyWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/body_wrapper").BodyWrapper;

class Note{
     * This method is used to delete notes in bulk and print the response.
     * @param {Array} noteIds The array of Note IDs to be deleted
    static async deleteNotes(noteIds){

        //let noteIds = [3409643000000648001n, 3409643000000648005n];

        //Get instance of NotesOperations Class
        let notesOperations = new NotesOperations();

        //Get instance of ParameterMap Class
        let paramInstance = new ParameterMap();

        //Add the ids to ParameterMap instance'
        for(let noteId of noteIds) {
            await paramInstance.add(DeleteNotesParam.IDS, noteId);

        //Call deleteNotes method that takes paramInstance as parameter
        let response = await notesOperations.deleteNotes(paramInstance);

        if(response != null){

            //Get the status code from response
            console.log("Status Code: " + response.statusCode);

            //Get object from response
            let responseObject = response.object;

            if(responseObject != null){

                //Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received 
                if(responseObject instanceof ActionWrapper){

                    //Get the array of obtained ActionResponse instances
                    let actionResponses = responseObject.getData();

                    actionResponses.forEach(actionResponse => {

                        //Check if the request is successful
                        if(actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                        //Check if the request returned an exception
                        else if(actionResponse instanceof APIException){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            //Get the Message
                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                //Check if the request returned an exception
                else if(responseObject instanceof APIException){

                    //Get the Status
                    console.log("Status: " + responseObject.getStatus().getValue());

                    //Get the Code
                    console.log("Code: " + responseObject.getCode().getValue());


                    //Get the details map
                    let details = responseObject.getDetails();

                    if(details != null){
                        Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                            console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                    //Get the Message
                    console.log("Message: " + responseObject.getMessage().getValue());
module.exports = {Note}
Get a Note
const {NotesOperations, DeleteNotesParam, GetNotesHeader, GetNotesParam, GetNoteHeader, GetNoteParam} = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/notes_operations");
const ZCRMNote = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/note").Note;
const ZCRMRecord = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/record/record").Record;
const ParameterMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/parameter_map").ParameterMap;
const HeaderMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/header_map").HeaderMap;
const ResponseWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/response_wrapper").ResponseWrapper;
const ActionWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/action_wrapper").ActionWrapper;
const APIException = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/api_exception").APIException;
const SuccessResponse = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/success_response").SuccessResponse;
const BodyWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/body_wrapper").BodyWrapper;

class Note{
     *  Get Note 
     * This method is used to get the note and print the response.
     * @param {BigInt} noteId The ID of the Note to be obtained
    static async getNote(noteId){

        //let noteId = 3409643000000549003n

        //Get instance of NotesOperations Class
        let notesOperations = new NotesOperations();

        //Get instance of ParameterMap Class
        let paramInstance = new ParameterMap();

        /* Possible parameters for Get Note */
        paramInstance.add(GetNoteParam.FIELDS, "id,Note_Content")

        //Get instance of HeaderMap Class
        let headerInstance = new HeaderMap();

        /* Possible headers for Get Note */
        headerInstance.add(GetNoteHeader.IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, new Date());

        //Call getNote method that takes noteId as parameter
        let response = await notesOperations.getNote(noteId, paramInstance, headerInstance);

        if(response != null){

            //Get the status code from response
            console.log("Status Code: " + response.statusCode);

            if([204, 304].includes(response.statusCode)){
                console.log(response.statusCode == 204? "No Content" : "Not Modified");


            //Get object from response
            let responseObject = response.object;

            if(responseObject != null){

                //Check if expected ResponseWrapper instance is received
                if(responseObject instanceof ResponseWrapper){

                    //Get the array of obtained Note instances
                    let notes = responseObject.getData();

                    notes.forEach(note => {

                        //Get the owner User instance of each Note
                        let owner = note.getOwner();
                        //Check if owner is not null
                        if(owner != null){
                            //Get the name of the owner User
                            console.log("Note Owner User-Name: " + owner.getName());
                            //Get the ID of the owner User
                            console.log("Note Owner User-ID: " + owner.getId());
                            //Get the Email of the owner User
                            console.log("Note Owner Email: " + owner.getEmail());
                        //Get the ModifiedTime of each Module
                        console.log("Note ModifiedTime: " + note.getModifiedTime());
                        //Get the list of Attachment instance each Note
                        let attachments = note.getAttachments();
                        //Check if attachments is not null
                        if(attachments != null)
                            attachments.forEach(attachment => {
                        //Get the CreatedTime of each Note
                        console.log("Note CreatedTime: " + note.getCreatedTime());
                        //Get the parentId Record instance of each Note
                        let parentId = note.getParentId();
                        //Check if parentId is not null
                        if(parentId != null)
                            if(parentId.getKeyValue("name") != null)
                                //Get the parent record Name of each Note
                                console.log("Note parent record Name: " + parentId.getKeyValue("name"));
                            //Get the parent record ID of each Note
                            console.log("Note parent record ID: " + parentId.getId());
                        //Get the Editable of each Note
                        console.log("Note Editable: " + note.getEditable().toString());
                        //Get the SeModule of each Note
                        console.log("Note SeModule: " + note.getSeModule());
                        //Get the IsSharedToClient of each Note
                        console.log("Note IsSharedToClient: " + note.getIsSharedToClient().toString());
                        //Get the modifiedBy User instance of each Note
                        let modifiedBy = note.getModifiedBy();
                        //Check if modifiedBy is not null
                        if(modifiedBy != null){
                            //Get the Name of the modifiedBy User
                            console.log("Note Modified By User-Name: " + modifiedBy.getName());
                            //Get the ID of the modifiedBy User
                            console.log("Note Modified By User-ID: " + modifiedBy.getId());
                            //Get the Email of the modifiedBy User
                            console.log("Note Modified By User-Email: " + modifiedBy.getEmail());
                        //Get the Size of each Note
                        console.log("Note Size: " + note.getSize());
                        //Get the State of each Note
                        console.log("Note State: " + note.getState());
                        //Get the VoiceNote of each Note
                        console.log("Note VoiceNote: " + note.getVoiceNote().toString());
                        //Get the Id of each Note
                        console.log("Note Id: " + note.getId());
                        //Get the createdBy User instance of each Note
                        let createdBy = note.getCreatedBy();
                        //Check if createdBy is not null
                        if(createdBy != null){
                            //Get the Name of the createdBy User
                            console.log("Note Created By User-Name: " + createdBy.getName());
                            //Get the ID of the createdBy User
                            console.log("Note Created By User-ID: " + createdBy.getId());
                            //Get the Email of the createdBy User
                            console.log("Note Created By User-Email: " + createdBy.getEmail());
                        //Get the NoteTitle of each Note
                        console.log("Note NoteTitle: " + note.getNoteTitle());
                        //Get the NoteContent of each Note
                        console.log("Note NoteContent: " + note.getNoteContent());

            //Check if the request returned an exception
            else if(responseObject instanceof APIException){
                //Get the Status
                console.log("Status: " + responseObject.getStatus().getValue());

                //Get the Code
                console.log("Code: " + responseObject.getCode().getValue());


                //Get the details map
                let details = responseObject.getDetails();

                if(details != null){
                    Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                        console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                //Get the Message
                console.log("Message: " + responseObject.getMessage().getValue());
module.exports = {Note}
Update a Note
const {NotesOperations, DeleteNotesParam, GetNotesHeader, GetNotesParam, GetNoteHeader, GetNoteParam} = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/notes_operations");
const ZCRMNote = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/note").Note;
const ZCRMRecord = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/record/record").Record;
const ParameterMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/parameter_map").ParameterMap;
const HeaderMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/header_map").HeaderMap;
const ResponseWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/response_wrapper").ResponseWrapper;
const ActionWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/action_wrapper").ActionWrapper;
const APIException = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/api_exception").APIException;
const SuccessResponse = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/success_response").SuccessResponse;
const BodyWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/body_wrapper").BodyWrapper;

class Note{
     *  Update Note
     * This method is used to update an existing note and print the response.
     * @param {BigInt} noteId The ID of the Note to be updated
    static async updateNote(noteId){

        //let noteId = 3409643000000549003n

        //Get instance of NotesOperations Class
        let notesOperations = new NotesOperations();

        //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body
        let request = new BodyWrapper();

        //Array to hold Note instances
        let notesArray = [];

        //Get instance of Note Class
        let note = new ZCRMNote();

        //Set Note_Title of the Note
        //Set NoteContent of the Note
        note.setNoteContent("Need to do further tracking12");
        //Add Note instance to the list
        //Set the array to notes in BodyWrapper instance

        //Call updateNote method that takes BodyWrapper instance and noteId as parameter
        let response = await notesOperations.updateNote(noteId, request);

        if(response != null){

            //Get the status code from response
            console.log("Status Code: " + response.statusCode);

            //Get object from response
            let responseObject = response.object;

            if(responseObject != null){

                //Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received 
                if(responseObject instanceof ActionWrapper){

                    //Get the array of obtained ActionResponse instances
                    let actionResponses = responseObject.getData();

                    actionResponses.forEach(actionResponse => {

                        //Check if the request is successful
                        if(actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                        //Check if the request returned an exception
                        else if(actionResponse instanceof APIException){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            //Get the Message
                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                //Check if the request returned an exception
                else if(responseObject instanceof APIException){

                    //Get the Status
                    console.log("Status: " + responseObject.getStatus().getValue());

                    //Get the Code
                    console.log("Code: " + responseObject.getCode().getValue());


                    //Get the details map
                    let details = responseObject.getDetails();

                    if(details != null){
                        Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                            console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                    //Get the Message
                    console.log("Message: " + responseObject.getMessage().getValue());
module.exports = {Note}
Delete a Note
const {NotesOperations, DeleteNotesParam, GetNotesHeader, GetNotesParam, GetNoteHeader, GetNoteParam} = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/notes_operations");
const ZCRMNote = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/note").Note;
const ZCRMRecord = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/record/record").Record;
const ParameterMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/parameter_map").ParameterMap;
const HeaderMap = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/routes/header_map").HeaderMap;
const ResponseWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/response_wrapper").ResponseWrapper;
const ActionWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/action_wrapper").ActionWrapper;
const APIException = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/api_exception").APIException;
const SuccessResponse = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/success_response").SuccessResponse;
const BodyWrapper = require("@zohocrm/nodejs-sdk-2.0/core/com/zoho/crm/api/notes/body_wrapper").BodyWrapper;

class Note{
     * This method is used to delete a single note with ID and print the response.
     * @param {BigInt} noteId The ID of the note to be deleted
    static async deleteNote(noteId){

        //let noteId = 3409643000000549003n

        //Get instance of NotesOperations Class
        let notesOperations = new NotesOperations();

        //Call deleteNote method that takes noteID as parameter
        let response = await notesOperations.deleteNote(noteId);

        if(response != null){

            //Get the status code from response
            console.log("Status Code: " + response.statusCode);

            //Get object from response
            let responseObject = response.object;

            if(responseObject != null){

                //Check if expected ActionWrapper instance is received 
                if(responseObject instanceof ActionWrapper){

                    //Get the array of obtained ActionResponse instances
                    let actionResponses = responseObject.getData();

                    actionResponses.forEach(actionResponse => {

                        //Check if the request is successful
                        if(actionResponse instanceof SuccessResponse){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                        //Check if the request returned an exception
                        else if(actionResponse instanceof APIException){

                            //Get the Status
                            console.log("Status: " + actionResponse.getStatus().getValue());

                            //Get the Code
                            console.log("Code: " + actionResponse.getCode().getValue());


                            //Get the details map
                            let details = actionResponse.getDetails();

                            if(details != null){
                                Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                                    console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                            //Get the Message
                            console.log("Message: " + actionResponse.getMessage().getValue());
                //Check if the request returned an exception
                else if(responseObject instanceof APIException){

                    //Get the Status
                    console.log("Status: " + responseObject.getStatus().getValue());

                    //Get the Code
                    console.log("Code: " + responseObject.getCode().getValue());


                    //Get the details map
                    let details = responseObject.getDetails();

                    if(details != null){
                        Array.from(details.keys()).forEach(key => {
                            console.log(key + ": " + details.get(key));  

                    //Get the Message
                    console.log("Message: " + responseObject.getMessage().getValue());
module.exports = {Note}