Android SDK Development

Zoho CRM's Mobile SDK is a framework that helps developers build mobile applications to interact with their Zoho CRM data.

Currently, the mobile app for Zoho CRM acts as a mobile interface to the Zoho CRM's web interface. But if you need the mobile app to serve a specific purpose that conforms to your business needs, you might want to have an app which has only that specific function. For example, an app for a team that only approves leads or an app for a field team where one could upload photographs and client's documents on the fly.

SDK Responsibilities

The mobile SDK takes care of the following, so that the developers can focus on the UI components of the mobile app.

  • Authentication - User login and logout.
  • API wrapping & version upgrades - API requests are wrapped as method calls.
  • Data modeling - CRM entities modeled as language objects.
  • Metadata caching - Essential metadata are cached to avoid unnecessary API calls.

System Requirements

  1. OS - Android 21 (Lollipop 4.4)
  2. Kotlin - 1.3.20
  3. Gradle - 3.4.0