Merge Records API

This API merges up to three duplicate records into a single one, deleting the duplicates. You can specify one as the master record which is to be retained post-merge, and the other two as child records which are to be deleted. You can specify fields from the child records whose values are to be used for the merged record, and retain the master record values for the remaining fields.

To explore more on the Find and Merge feature, please refer to this link.


To merge upto three duplicate records into a single record and delete the duplicates.

Request Details

Request URL


Supported Modules

Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Potentials, Vendors and Custom.


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52


scope = ZohoCRM.modules.{module_name}.{operation_type}

Possible Module Names

leads, contacts, potentials, accounts, vendors, and custom.

Possible Operation Types

WRITE - Edit records in a module.
ALL - Full access to the record.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-d @input.json
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"

Input JSON Keys

  • master_record_fieldsJSON array, optional

    Specify the API name of the file upload and image upload fields to retain them in the merged record.

    • api_namestring, mandatory

      Represents the API name of the file upload or image upload field.

    • _dataJSON array, optional

      It represents the unique ID of a file or attachment. This field is specifically used for File Upload and Image Upload fields in a record. Use GET Records API to retrieve the unique IDs of the files or attachments.

      • idstring, mandatory

        Represent the unique ID of the attachment.

  • dataJSON array, mandatory

    Specify the details of the child records and the fields whose value you want to use in the merged record.

     idstring, mandatory

      Represents the ID of the child record.

    • _fieldsJSON array, mandatory

      Specify the API names of the fields whose values you wish to merge into the master record.

      • api_namestring, mandatory

        Represents the API name of the fields in the child record.


  • If an image upload or file upload is not specified, all the images/files in the master record will be retained.
  • If '_data': null is provided, all the images/files for that specific field will be deleted.
  • If a child record has more than 1000 records in any of its related lists, then the merge action will be scheduled. This meas that it performs an asynchronous action, and the response to your request will not be available immediately. Instead, you will receive a unique job_id in the response. You can use this job_id to retrieve the status of your merge action. For details, please refer to the Get Records Merge Status API.

Sample Input

    "merge": [
            "master_record_fields": [
                    "api_name": "Company"
                    "api_name": "File_Upload",
                    "_data": [
                            "id": "2423488000000538058"
            "data": [
                    "id": "2423488000000495876",
                    "_fields": [
                            "api_name": "Annual_Revenue"
                            "api_name": "Last_Name"

Possible Errors

    • Master record id is not available
    • The merge JSON array has reached its limit
    • The data JSON object has reached its limit
    • Atleast one child record id is required to be merged
    • Reporting_To and Account_Name should belong to the same record


    • Specify a valid record ID.
    • The merge JSON array can have only one JSON object.
    • The data JSON array can have a maximum of two values, corresponding to the two child records.
    • The data JSON array cannot be empty. Please specify valid data.
    • The Reporting_To and Account_Name should be used from the same record.
    • The API names in the field JSON array cannot be empty
    • The API names in the merge JSON array cannot be empty
    • The ID of the child record is empty
    • Specify the valid API names in the merge JSON array.
    • Specify the valid API names in the fields JSON array.
    • Specify the ID of the child record.

    The module name given seems to be invalid
    Resolution: Please specify the a module name in the URL. Refer to the request URL section above.

    • This record id is not allowed to be merged
    • Record is not allowed for merging
    • Closing date will be automatically populated based on master record
    • Stage field will be automatically populated based on chosen Pipeline
    • Only Open Deals can be merged
    • Probability and Expected Revenue fields will be automatically populated based on chosen Stage


    • The record you are trying to merge has already been scheduled for merging. Please specify another valid record ID.
    • The record is currently locked or in Approval / Review Process. Please unlock the record and merge, or contact the admin.
    • Do not specify the closing date field. The closing date will be fetched automatically from the master record.
    • Do not specify the stage field. The stage value will be automatically fetched from the chosen pipeline. If you specify the pipeline of the child record, then the stage value will be fetched from the respective pipeline.
    • Do not use the closed deals. The merge action will take place only with the open deals.
    • Do not specify the Expected Revenue and Probability fields. The values of these fields will be automatically fetched based on the stage.
    • Similar ID is already given for merging
    • Field has already been mentioned for other record in merge


    • You have specified the same record ID for master and/or child records. Please specify different record IDs for merging.
    • You have already specified this field. Please specify each field only once, either in the master_record_fields array, or one of the data arrays.
    • The _data array is not specified for the master record
    • The _data array is not mentioned for the child record


    • Specify the unique ID of a file or image from the _data JSON array. The dependent "id" field is missing for the File_Upload or Image_Upload field in the master record.
    • Specify the unique ID of a file or image in the _data JSON array. The dependent "id" field is missing for the File_Upload or Image_Upload field in the child record.

    The total number of given files cannot be more than the maximum limit.

    Resolution: Please check the maximum limits in the response, for example, if "maximum_length": 1, it means the maximum allowed length for attaching an image or file is 1.


    The http request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL.
    Specify a valid request method. Refer to the endpoints section above.


    The module name given seems to be invalid
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid module name.
    Specify a valid module name.


    Resolution: Client does not have ZohoCRM.modules.{module_name}.WRITE scope.
    Create a new token with valid scope. Refer to scope section above.


    Authentication failed
    Resolution: Pass the access token in the request header of the API call.


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to the request URL section above.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in the server. Contact support team.

Sample Response

    "merge": [
            "code": "SUCCESS",
            "details": {
                "id": "2423488000000500064"
            "message": "The records have been merged successfully",
            "status": "success"

Sample Response for scheduled merge call

    "merge": [
            "code": "SCHEDULED",
            "details": {
                "job_id": "2423488000000513988"
            "message": "The records have been scheduled for merge",
            "status": "success"