Mass Convert Lead


To convert a maximum of up to 50 leads in a single API call. You can convert a lead with or without creating a deal through this API.

Request Details

Request URL



Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52



Sample Request

Copiedcurl ""
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
-d "@convertlead.json"

Input JSON

  • idsJSON array, mandatory

    The record IDs of the leads you want to convert. Use the Get Records API to get the record IDs. Note that you can give a maximum of up to 50 records IDs in this array.

  • DealsJSON object, mandatory when you want to create a deal

    Must contain the mandatory keys "Deal_Name", "Stage", "Closing_Date", and "Pipeline"(if enabled), besides the other mandatory fields configured for the Deals module. Note that if there are layouts other than Standard, the custom-defined mandatory fields will not be processed while converting the lead.

  • assign_toJSON object, mandatory

    The name and ID of the user you want to assign the converted lead record to. Use the Get Users API to get these details.

  • portal_user_typeJSON object, optional

    The name and ID of the portal for the Contacts module.

  • related_modulesJSON array, optional

    The API name and ID of the modules such as Tasks, Meetings, or Calls. If the lead has one or all of these related records, the owner of these records will be changed to the user given in the "assign_to" key.
    Use the Modules API to get the ID of the module.

  • carry_over_tagsJSON array, optional

    The name and ID of the module you want to associate the tags to while converting the lead. For example, if you give contacts in this array, the tags of the lead will be carried over to the contact that the lead is converted to. Use the Modules API to get the ID of the module. Note that you can carry over tags to Contacts, Deals, and Accounts.

  • move_attachments_toJSON object, optional

    The name and ID of the module you want to move the attachments of the lead to after converting. Use the Modules API to get the ID of the module. Note that you can move the attachments to either Contacts, Deals, or Accounts.

Sample Input

    "ids": [
    "Deals": {
        "Amount": 10000,
        "Deal_Name": "test7000",
        "Closing_Date": "2022-12-20",
        "Pipeline": "Standard(Standard)",
        "Stage": "Needs Analysis"
    "carry_over_tags": [
                "id": "3652397000000002179",
                "api_name": "Contacts"
        "related_modules": [
                "api_name": "Tasks",
                "id": "3652397000000002193"
                "api_name": "Events",
                "id": "3652397000000002195"
        "assign_to": {
            "id": "3652397000000281001"
        "move_attachments_to": {
            "api_name": "Contacts",
            "id": "3652397000000002179"

Response JSON

  • code

    Represents whether the API was a success.

  • details

    Gives you the ID of the mass convert job. Use this ID in the Mass Convert Status API.

Possible Errors


    You have not specified either the records IDs or one or more mandatory keys in "Deals", or both.
    Resolution: Refer to the "details" key in the response to know the missing values.



    • The record ID(s)is invalid.
    • The portal user type in invalid.


    • Provide valid IDs of the leads to be converted. Refer to the "details" key in the response for details about the errors.

    you are trying to convert more than 50 leads.
    Resolution: You can only convert a maximum of 50 leads through this API.


    The API name and the ID in the "related_modules" key do not belong to each other.
    Resolution: Specify the right API name and ID of the related module.


    The HTTP request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to the endpoints section.



    • You do not have permission to the module.
    • You do not have permission to convert leads.

    Resolution: Contact your system administrator to obtain sufficient permissions.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in server. Contact the support team.

Sample Response

    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "details": {
        "job_id": "3652397000009835020"
    "message": "Mass Convert scheduled successfully",
    "status": "success"