Files and Attachments APIs

Attachments provide more information about a contact or a company, which normally cannot be displayed. You may also need to send images, text files or videos or any other type of files to contacts. The files and attachments API allows a user to get a list of attachments, upload or download a photo or a file.

Get list of Attachments


To get the list of attachments.

Request Details

Request URL


Supported modules

Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Deals, Campaigns, Tasks, Cases, Events, Calls, Solutions, Products, Vendors, Price Books, Quotes, Sales Orders, Purchase Orders, Invoices, Custom, Appointments, Services and Notes


Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken d92d4xxxxxxxxxxxxx15f52



Possible module names

leads, accounts, contacts, deals, campaigns, tasks, cases, events, calls, solutions, products, vendors, pricebooks, quotes, salesorders, purchaseorders, invoices, custom, appointments, services and notes

Possible operation types

ALL - Full access to attachments
READ - Get attachment data


  • fieldsstring, mandatory

    Specify the API name of the field whose details you want to receive in the response.

Sample Request

Copiedcurl ",Owner,File_Name,Created_Time,Parent_Id"
-H "Authorization: Zoho-oauthtoken 1000.8cb99dxxxxxxxxxxxxx9be93.9b8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxf"
Copiedresponse = invokeurl
	url: ",Owner,File_Name,Created_Time,Parent_Id"
	type: GET
info response;

Response JSON Keys

  • OwnerJSON object

    Represents the name, ID, and email of the record owner.

  • Modified_Timestring

    Represents the date and time at which the attachment was last modified.

  • File_Namestring

    Represents the name of the attachment.

  • Created_Timestring

    Represents the date and time at which the attachment was added to the record.

  • Sizeinteger

    Represents the size of the attachment.

  • Parent_IdJSON object

    Represents the name and ID of the parent record.

  • $editableboolean

    Represents if the user can edit the attachment.
    true: The user can edit the attachment.
    false: The user cannot edit the attachment.

  • $file_idstring

    Represents the unique file ID of the file in the ZFS.

  • $se_modulestring

    Represents the API name of the parent module.

  • Modified_ByJSON object

    Represents the name, ID, and email of the user who last modified the attachment.

  • idstring

    Represents the unique ID of the related record.

  • Created_ByJSON object

    Represents the name, ID, and email of the user who added the attachment to the record.

Possible Errors


    The module name given seems to be invalid
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid module name or there is no tab permission, or the module could have been removed from the available modules. Specify a valid module API name.


    The given module is not supported in API
    Resolution: The modules such as Documents and Projects are not supported in the current API. (This error will not be shown, once these modules are been supported). Specify a valid module API name.


    Please check if the URL trying to access is a correct one
    Resolution: The request URL specified is incorrect. Specify a valid request URL. Refer to request URL section above.


    Resolution: Client does not have ZohoCRM.modules.attachments.READ scope. Create a new client with valid scope. Refer to scope section above.


    Permission denied to read attachment details
    Resolution: The user does not have permission to read attachment details. Contact your system administrator.


    Internal Server Error
    Resolution: Unexpected and unhandled exception in Server. Contact support team.


    The http request method type is not a valid one
    Resolution: You have specified an invalid HTTP method to access the API URL. Specify a valid request method. Refer to endpoints section above.


    User does not have sufficient privilege to read attachments
    Resolution: The user does not have the permission to read attachment details. Contact your system administrator.


    One of the expected parameter is missing
    Resolution: Specify the mandatory parameter. Refer to the Parameters section above for more details.

Sample Response

    "data": [
            "Owner": {
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "4876876000000327001",
                "email": ""
            "File_Name": "Image.jpg",
            "Created_Time": "2022-04-21T10:27:41+05:30",
            "Parent_Id": null,
            "id": "4876876000001021001"
            "Owner": {
                "name": "Patricia Boyle",
                "id": "4876876000000327001",
                "email": ""
            "File_Name": "in23er.png",
            "Created_Time": "2022-04-20T14:45:42+05:30",
            "Parent_Id": null,
            "id": "4876876000001015061"
    "info": {
        "per_page": 200,
        "next_page_token": null,
        "count": 2,
        "page": 1,
        "previous_page_token": null,
        "page_token_expiry": null,
        "more_records": false