Deliver exceptional client-centric services

Whether you're a bank looking to optimize customer onboarding and streamline loan dispersal, an insurance company seeking to automate policy underwriting and claims management, or a financial services provider aiming to enhance your investment portfolio management, Zoho CRM Plus offers all the capabilities you need to streamline your processes and excel in the dynamic landscape.

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Zoho CRM Plus for BFSI

Features that make Zoho CRM Plus the right solution for financial business

Drawing from our expertise in the banking, financial services, and insurance (BFSI) domain, Zoho CRM Plus is a carefully crafted platform to address the industry's distinct requirements

Data security Data security

Our extensive experience guarantees the protection and privacy of your valuable data, ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations.

Omnichannel support Omnichannel support

Provide seamless experiences and connect with clients across various channels, including email, social media, SMS, reaching your clients wherever they are.

Self-service for customers Self-service for customers

Empower your clients with self-service capabilities like chat assistance, a knowledge base, and the ability to create their own communities.

Agile banking system Agile banking system

Stay ahead in the dynamic BFSI landscape with CRM Plus. Use its swift adaptability, scalability, and innovation to meet evolving industry demands.

Unify client data with a single source of truth

Zoho CRM Plus offers a single source of truth for customer data, consolidating information from your sales, service, and marketing departments into a unified view. With a 360-degree view of customers, you can truly understand your clients, including their inquiries, account activities, financial service requests, communication preferences, missing KYC, and more. Leverage these insights to create a complete customer propensity model.

Unified insights

Prioritize investors' satisfaction

Send market alerts, research reports, investment recommendations, and financial literacy videos across your clients' favorite channels, such as email, SMS, or social media. Deliver tailored and timely information to investors and enhance their experiences. Drive investor loyalty and strengthen your firm's reputation as a trusted financial partner.

Telephony Multichannel reach
Social Multichannel reach
Email Multichannel reach
Chat Multichannel reach

Manage client relationships anywhere, anytime

With mobile accessibility, you can manage and update client information on the go. Whether it's during meetings or client visits, ensure that your teams have client data readily available to deliver personalized experiences and make informed decisions in real time.

Star Health Insurance

Zoho CRM Plus implementation for our business was critical in addressing the changing market dynamics. Flexibility, scalability, and a 360-degree view of the customer are vital features of the platform. Providing faster responses to our customers and improving customer satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic is very dear to our organizational culture.

Umesh Padala

Umesh Padala Chief Digital & Technology Officer, Star Health Insurance


Connect your sales and marketing

Promote investment products like mutual funds or retirement plans and target specific customer segments. Gain deep insights into their interactions with your campaigns and enable your sales team to prioritize and engage with leads who show interest in your offerings. If a lead visits your website via a marketing email, notify the sales team so they can provide attention and assign higher conversion scores. Increase the number of new clients acquired, the average investment amount per client, and the overall assets under management.

Connected sales and marketing

Manage your reputation with social media monitoring and ticketing

Track comments, mentions, and reviews on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter. If a client posts a negative review or complaint, convert it into a ticket and assign it to a designated agent. Resolve issues proactively by ensuring that no client feedback goes unnoticed and that prompt action is taken to address concerns.

Reputation management

Listen, learn, and improve via client feedback

Run client satisfaction surveys to gauge your clients' overall experience. Measure the effectiveness of your financial services and identify areas for improvement. Survey responses are captured and stored within CRM Plus, allowing you to analyze the feedback and make decisions to enhance client satisfaction.

Manage feedbacks

Quick support for clients with self-service and chatbots

Based on the sheer volume of requests financial institutions receive on a daily basis, having a help center or knowledge base, along with self-service chatbots, can be crucial. Instead of having to navigate through numerous product pages and account features, employ automated chatbots that guide customers towards the most suitable financial products and provide the answers they're looking for.

Streamline claim management and resolution

Enable managers to review and address escalated claims quickly. With all the information in a central dashboard, you can track and manage insurance claim processes, ensure efficient resolutions, and strengthen your customer relationships.

Issue resolution

Get ready to deliver superior customer experiences.

Unify your sales, marketing, and service teams with a 30-day free trial today. No credit card required.

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