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The subList() function takes listVariable , start_index and end_index as arguments. It returns the list containing elements between the specified indices (including the start_index and excluding the end_index).

Note: Index starts from 0.

Return Type

  • List


<variable> = <listVariable>.subList( <start_index>, <end_index> );
ParameterDescriptionData type
<variable>Variable which will contain the returned list.LIST
<listVariable>The list from which the elements will be returned.LIST

The index starting from which the elements will be returned from the list.

If a negative value is specified, an error will be encountered during runtime.


The index till which the elements will be returned from the string. If omitted, the rest of the list will be returned.

The end_index should not exceed the count of elements in the list. If it does, an error will be encountered during runtime.



listVar= {1, 2, 3, 4};
newListVar= listVar.subList(0, 3);           // returns {1, 2, 3}

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