What's New in v2.1?


We routinely update Zoho Creator APIs by including new features to suit your progressive business needs. This page documents all the significant changes made to Zoho Creator APIs in the new and improved version v2.1. They are:

Updated Request URLs

All new request URLs will display version number as v2.1 instead of v2.

New Request Header Parameters

In API v2.1, two new header keys are being introduced. They help you to fetch a large number of records per API request and allow you to download the response in different formats. They will be discussed in detail below.

1. record_cursor
This optional header key can be included in the following APIs:

This alphanumeric key, when included in the header, bulk fetches a batch of the consecutive 1000 (default) records. This key's value will be displayed in the header response of the former API call.

2. accept
This optional header key can be included in the following APIs:

This key determines the format in which you can download the API response.
Possible values:

  • application/json (default value)
  • text/csv

New Parameters

In API v2.1, four new parameter keys are being introduced. They help you to specify details like the fields you want to be fetched, the number of records you want to be fetched per API request, skip the automated trigger of workflows for certain actions, etc. A more detailed discussion follows.
1. field_config
This optional parameter can be included in the following APIs:

This parameter key, when used, allows you to decide which fields of a record you want to be fetched.
Possible values:

  • quick_view - This is the default value. It fetches all the fields listed in the quick view layout of the record. 
  • detail_view - Fetches all the fields listed in the detail view layout of the record.
  • custom - Fetches only the fields specified in the fields parameter which will follow.
  • all - Fetches all the fields displayed by a record.

2. fields
This parameter can be included in the following APIs:

This parameter key is mandatory when custom value is passed for field_config key. When used, it allows you to list all the necessary fields that need to be fetched while performing the above tasks. The field link names need to be mentioned as comma separated string values.

3. max_records
This optional parameter can be included in the following APIs:

This parameter key determines the number of records that will be retrieved per fetch request.
Possible values:

  • 200
  • 500
  • 1000 (default value)

4. skip_workflow
This optional parameter can be included in the following APIs:

Before V2.1, all associated workflows get triggered on the actions such as adding a record, updating a record, etc. This parameter key allows you to decide whether you want to skip specific types of workflows from being triggered while these APIs calls are made.
Possible values:

  • form_workflow - Restricts all associated form workflows from being triggered. This value applies to Add Records, Update Records, Update Record by ID, Delete Records, Delete Record by ID.
  • schedules - Restricts all associated schedule workflows from being triggered. This value applies to Add Records, Update Records, Update Record by ID.
  • all - Restricts both form and schedule workflows from being triggered. This value applies to Add Records, Update Records, Update Record by ID.

Note: By default:

  • If this parameter is not supplied, all associated workflows will be triggered.
  • Blueprints and approvals will be triggered and cannot be skipped.

Response Structure Revision

In v2.1, we have updated the structures and data types of few of the response values in order to efficiently parse those values better. These changes apply for the following APIs and are discussed in detail below:

1. The display field values of subforms and lookup fields are included as key-value pairs in zc_display_value as opposed to the space separated values in v2. 

2. The response value structures for different fields in API V2.1 have been updated to avoid complex datatype handling:

  • Multiselect, Checkbox : [list_value]
  • Single select lookup, Integration : {map}
  • Multiselect lookup : [{map1},{map2},{map3}...]