A vision of education reform

The government of Karnataka, in collaboration with a leading Indian foundation, implemented a teacher development initiative called Guru Chethana.

Read to find out how Zoho Creator helped them upgrade their Teacher Training Management System (TTMS) and supported over 200,000 teachers in achieving their aspirations.

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The Teacher Training Management System included a number of critical features:

  •  Online library
  •  Multilingual
  •  Automatic login 
  •  Course registration
  •  Administration
  •  Training
  •  Feedback

Key advantages:

  • Teachers are alerted in real time about schedule changes via SMS, email, and push notifications.

  • Mobile app training based on preferences expressed by the teachers.

  • Integrated online attendance capturing.

  • Real-time reports at state, district, and block levels.

This project—developed in 45 days and was initially used by 20 users scaled seamlessly up to 200,000 users accessing it in various different roles.

This is the first time in India where more than 200,000 teachers are undergoing voluntary training based on their choices and preferences, and Zoho Creator has been an integral part of this radical initiative.

  • 5,000+
  • 2,000+
  • 200,000+

Karnataka has reskilled government teachers in a way no other state has—by allowing educators to easily choose the areas in which they wish to be trained. The state government has partnered with a leading Indian Foundation to roll out menu-driven training modules in a complete overhaul of mid-career teacher training. Their program has covered 50,000 teachers, and the foundation has developed 28 modules across seven subjects four prioritized in each subject for teachers to access.

Read more about how How Zoho Creator helped 200,000 teachers achieve their aspirations

Read the ebook