From paperwork to purr-fection: How Katt Cafe increased productivity by 80% with Zoho Creator

"Zoho Creator is a game-changer! Before using Zoho Creator, I used to spend three to five hours daily on paperwork. It involved managing various documents related to HR, accounting, cat registries, food inspections, and government requirements. Now, with Zoho Creator, that time has been reduced to just one hour, and our productivity has increased by 80%!"

Anastasia Dockina, Founder, Katt Cafe

Created by : Katt Cafe

Use case : Restaurant management and pet adoption

Industry : Hospitality/Non-profit

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The company: Katt Cafe

Katt Cafe, founded in 2021, is Bulgaria's first and only establishment of its kind. Open daily, the cafe warmly welcomes guests to experience delightful moments with charming kitties, savor coffee, and potentially find a furry companion to adopt.

The primary goal of Katt Cafe is to raise awareness and educate locals about proper pet care. Many hold the belief that cats and animals should roam the streets, and they may not welcome them into their homes. Anastasia Dockina, the founder, seeks to change this perception by showing that it's acceptable and rewarding to have cats indoors.

Beyond promoting responsible pet ownership, Katt Cafe also serves as an adoption center for street cats. Anastasia and her team take in abandoned or stray kittens from the streets and give them a safe haven at the cafe. They actively search for loving homes and new owners who are willing to provide these cats with a caring environment.

The challenge

As both an animal facility and food establishment, Katt Cafe must adhere to various laws and regulations. This involves keeping detailed records, including registries that specify the types of food received and when it was given to the cats. Moreover, they must follow health and safety rules, ensuring careful documentation of all processes related to the cats' medical checks and food preparation.

And where did they document this information? On paper, spreadsheets, and random software.

"I don't have enough time to keep track of what's happening, what's not happening, whether forms are correctly filled in with a pen, and all those details. We used Excel and other software designed for restaurants and cafes, but they weren't tailored to our specific needs. We needed a customized solution to have everything—cats, food, and other operations—all in one place."

- Anastasia Dockina

In search of an efficient automation solution for their customers, Anastasia and her team experimented with four or five different software solutions, including some tailored for animal shelters and specific restaurant projects.

However, upon trying them out, they discovered that they lacked the level of customization and convenience they needed to suit the specific requirements of Katt Cafe.

The solution

They chose Zoho Creator primarily for its customization capabilities.

"Zoho Creator is perfect for us, because I can tailor it to our requirements, keeping it simple and clutter-free. Other software tends to have too many unnecessary features."

- Anastasia Dockina

Katt Cafe has successfully implemented two main applications to streamline their operations.

The first app is dedicated to managing the company's staff, where all employee profiles and relevant financial information are stored securely. It serves as a centralized hub for handling internal company transactions efficiently.

The second app is designed exclusively for Katt Cafe, and it handles reservations, inventory, and cat health records. They've also developed a knowledge base within Zoho Creator, acting as a library with guest-related queries and information. Additionally, they maintain a guest registry to manage adoptions effectively.

Katt Cafe's top 3 favorite features in Zoho Creator include the notification system, the ability to publish pages, and individual user profiles for employees.

"Zoho Creator's notifications are incredibly helpful. They keep us on track with tasks and paperwork, especially when working with clients. It's a great asset to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. And being able to publish pages easily is a big plus. It simplifies sharing important info and updates within and outside the cafe."

- Anastasia Dockina

Results and benefits

Before Zoho Creator, they used to spend three to five hours daily on paperwork. This involved preparing, filling in, printing, and managing various forms and documents related to HR, accounting, cat registries, food inspections, government requirements, and more.

However, since implementing Zoho Creator, the time spent on paperwork has been significantly reduced to just one hour per day. With the paperwork streamlined, Katt Cafe now has more time to focus on adjusting processes and creating a better environment.

Zoho Creator has significantly impacted Katt Cafe's operations, bringing numerous benefits:

  • Better accountability: With automated notifications, Dockina and her team never miss filling in important forms and tasks, ensuring smoother daily operations.
  • Enhanced efficiency: Utilizing Deluge, Dockina simplified calculations, such as working days and employee schedules, saving time and effort in planning.
  • Improved employee morale: Reducing monotonous tasks through automation boosted employee motivation and job satisfaction.

"I really love Zoho Creator; I'm so happy that it exists! With it, everything is in one place. The support team is fantastic, too. They've helped me with coding and provided great assistance."

- Anastasia Dockina

Looking forward

In the near future, Katt Cafe plans to implement an automated check-in and check-out feature for employees to streamline attendance management. Medical records for feline residents will soon be digitized and incorporated into the website. They even plan to expand cafe offerings to include bento boxes, with Zoho Creator playing a vital role in managing inventory and financial tracking for these new products.

Dockina is actively considering future expansion plans, with the prospect of opening another Katt Cafe in Bulgaria or establishing a pet hotel. Zoho Creator is looking forward to being a part of Katt Cafe's noble vision, supporting their mission to provide a loving and nurturing environment for our feline friends.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Zoho Creator?

Zoho Creator is a low-code application development platform that allows users to create custom applications on their own, with minimal coding experience. The intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers developers and business users to build web and mobile applications that satisfy all their unique requirements with ease.

Are applications built on Zoho Creator scalable?

Applications built on Zoho Creator are built to auto-scale—the back-end infrastructure seamlessly scales as business demand grows. Currently 14,000+ customers across are using over 6 million applications built using Zoho Creator, a testimony to the power of the platform.

Does Zoho Creator have a free plan?

Yes, Zoho Creator has a free plan. This plan comes with a limited feature set and allows for one user, one application, 250 MB of storage, and 1,000 records. However, you have the option to upgrade to a paid plan whenever you wish.

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