Streamline the procurement agreement cycle

Accelerate authoring
Use our pre-defined templates or create your own custom templates for faster contract authoring. With our clause library you can add multiple languages to the same clause rather than creating duplicate templates for minor tweaks in the clause language.
Promote cross-functional collaboration
Avoid silos between different functions such as procurement, finance, and legal. With Zoho Contracts, you can enable cross-functional collaboration during authoring, negotiation, approvals, and post-execution stages. Engaging the right stakeholders at the right time can improve overall contract performance and mitigate unforeseen risks.
Eliminate email, print, and fax cycles during execution
Secure legally binding signatures in minutes with Zoho Sign, which comes integrated with Zoho Contracts. Set signing orders, including organizational signers, counterparty signers, and other representatives.
Auto-generated contract letters
Eliminate most human intervention during post-execution with our smart letter templates to notify your suppliers of changes in your contracts. Once you amend a contract, the letter template is automatically generated, capturing the past information and the current changes. Letter templates are also available for renewal, extension, and termination.

Improve governance and compliance

Track activity at all levels
Every activity performed in Zoho Contracts is tracked at multiple levels. It captures all user activities and all activities performed within individual contracts. Stage-level activity tracking reports whether stakeholders have received email notifications, viewed documents, or performed the intended actions, along with the relevant timestamps. This granular activity tracking improves accountability and simplifies auditing.
Manage obligations with ease
Don't run the risk of damaging your supplier relations due to unfulfilled obligations. Contextually track and manage obligations from within the contract itself. Stay on top of the real-time progress of obligations with the help of obligation-based reports.
Mitigate business risks with contract approvals
Get your contracts approved faster with automated approval workflows. Approval workflows can also drastically improve compliance and reduce risks by informing stakeholders of the potential opportunities and risks in each contract.
Gain strategic insights
‌Strengthen your negotiation and refine your procurement processes with insights from our advanced analytics. A personalized dashboard provides a high-level overview of your business contracts at a glance.

Reduce costs and optimize spending

Use the power of multiple applications in one
You no longer need to use separate word processors, email applications, e-signature software, spreadsheets, document management software, and calendar apps to manage your contracts. All these applications come built-in with Zoho Contracts, therefore improving your operational efficiency and minimizing expenditure on software subscriptions.
Stay ahead of time for renewals and expirations
Plan in advance and better manage your upcoming renewals and expirations with automated in-app notifications and email alerts.
Track your financials
Assess the total value of your buy-side contracts on your personalized dashboard. You can also calculate the gain or loss of your terminated contracts.

Foster stronger supplier relationships

Protect supplier data
Our advanced data-protection settings enable you to stop processing personal data of counterparty contacts or anonymize them on demand. Also, contract admins can restrict non-admins from downloading or exporting counterparty data.
Manage your suppliers and their contracts at your fingertips
All contracts are stored in a central contract repository. Advanced search and filter options enable you to access all critical information effortlessly. You can also access and manage your supplier information from the Counterparties module. Our counterparty reports give you insights into your suppliers and your contracts with them.
Negotiate smoothly with vendors
Avoid sending multiple emails back and forth. Provide controlled access to your vendors via password-protected links to get their suggested edits and contextual comments. Track your negotiation history and compare changes from previous rounds.

Reduce turnaround times. Optimize ROI. Foster relationships.