Advantages with

Landing pages

Every visit to store makes our AI better at recommending products to future visitors. Experience exponential growth aided by the smartest AI.
Rank for crucial keywords to bring organic traffic that's more likely to be interested in your product. Dedicated landing pages perform better on search engine rankings than pages with multiple keywords and products on them.
Quick checkout
Landing pages can be set up to allow customers to purchase the individual product quickly, bypassing the usually longer store checkout process. A more efficient checkout usually means higher sales.
A/B testing
Easily test copy, functions, and design elements on your landing page to compare results and optimize your page. A page that's highly optimized for your customers means consistently increasing revenue for you.
Ease and flexibility
Easily build, update, and maintain multiple landing pages to deliver better results for your marketing campaigns. Go live with a new page in an instant and keep your customers engaged with better performing content all the time.
Build a landing page in

Eight simple steps.

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Choose a template

Commerce offers many customizable templates for you to build a robust landing page. Do you have an idea you've sketched? You can also use a blank template to build your perfect template from scratch.

Select from a wide range of features

Add sections such as product images, a Buy button, and coupon codes to increase engagement. These features help you create an optimized landing page. Want to take it up a notch? Use advanced features such as dynamic content, video support, and alter layouts to enhance the experience.

Optimize for different devices

Having one design that works on all devices means less work for you. Commerce's mobile responsive feature automatically optimizes your landing page's text and images to fit various screen sizes. Appealing design with easy implementation!

Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Our built-in SEO features will make your product pages SEO-compliant and more likely to consistently appear on search engine results. The SEO features allow you to include keywords and meta-tags easily and intuitively wherever appropriate, so you automatically get the rewards you deserve.

Include a buy button

A buy button on your landing page will take customers directly to checkout, ensuring a quick purchase. During checkout, they can log into their account or buy as a guest—whatever is most convenient for them.

Add offers to motivate

Sales conversion is led by motivation to buy. Use exclusive offers, coupons, discounts, and language that encourages customers to act quickly and make a purchase.

Measure performance

Commerce integrates with other Zoho products such as PageSense and CRM, among others, to analyze user preferences. The results of these analyses are easy to follow and extremely helpful for you in making confident decisions about the changes you need to implement on your landing pages. The result? Pages that your customers love!

Preview and publish

Before you publish, be sure to preview your new landing page. If you like what you see, go ahead and hit publish. There you go! Your landing page is ready.

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