What is PrimeTime in Cliq?

Primetime is an exclusive video chat offered by Cliq that offers live streaming in 2 modes— Handshake and Assembly. 

Handshake Mode

Handshake PrimeTime is nothing but video group chat while simultaneously eliminating the hassle of multiple people speaking at once. Here, only 2 people can speak at a time, the Host and Co-Host—thus the term Handshake.  
A handshake can be hosted in group chats and channels, teams, and entire organization with 100 participants at a time. The user who starts the Handshake is the Host who will be on screen, and the other users can take turns as the Co-Host by raising their hands. 

Assembly Mode 

Assembly PrimeTime is live video broadcasting just like an All Hands meeting. The user who starts the session will be the Host and the other people as listeners—hence the term Assembly. 
Assembly can be hosted in group chats and channels, teams, and the organization as a whole. An Assembly session can hold up to 10,000 participants—ideal for sharing updates, announcements, accomplishments, strategies, and goals. 


Assembly PrimeTime is available only under the Paid plan of Cliq.