Learn how to create, edit and delete a bot

How to create a bot?

1. Click on your display picture and select Bots and Tools.

2. Select the Bots section which appears as the first option and click Create Bot. The necessary field and their description is listed in below:

  • Name: Name of your bot. This field is mandatory.
  • Description: Explain the bot's functionality. This field is mandatory.
  • Access Level: Choose who gets to access your bot. Choose among: Organization, Team, Private. This field is mandatory. Default access level will be set as private.
  • Image: Image representing your bot, more like your bot's display picture! This field is optional.
  • Status: Set a status for your bot, just like how you set your status in Cliq. This field is optional. Default status of the bot will be shown as "Happy to help!".

3. On clicking Save Bot, your bot will be saved and you will be directed to the bot handlers page to configure your bot actions.

Note: You can also create a bot by clicking the + icon under Bots in the bot preview, this will take you to the Bots section in the Integrations page.

Editing a bot:

Click on the bot name and select Edit Configurations option in the bot preview. Editing the configurations helps you maximize/minimize the reach of your bot. Edit Handlers focusses on modifying the existing code to alter the bot's functionality and response in a certain way.

Editing a bot can also be done by hovering over the bot name and clicking the Edit Handlers option. The Edit Handlers page consists of the list of all bot handlers. Click edit code under any particular bot handler to construct the bot handler functionality in a deluge editor.

Deleting a bot:

Click on the bot icon present next to the bot name. You will get a confirmation box about the bot's deletion. Click on the Delete button to delete the bot. But once deleted, the bot cannot be retrieved back.