Cliq Deluge Tasks

Use Cliq deluge tasks to share responses of any internal tools such as commands, bots or schedulers and post them in your chat window. These tasks can also be used to connect to Cliq from other Zoho applications. 

Post to User

The zoho.cliq.postToUser task can be used to directly post the response message to a user, by providing their email ID or their ZUID. 

Post to Chat

The zoho.cliq.postToChat task can be used to post the execution response in a particular chat. All you've to do is provide the chat ID and the response message to be posted.

Note: The id property in the chat object, gives the chat ID of a chat in Cliq. 

Post to Channel

The zoho.cliq.postToChannel task can be used to post the execution response in a channel. Provide the channel unique name along with the response to be posted.

Post to Channel as Admin 

The zoho.cliq.postToChannelAsAdmin task can be used to post the execution response of any internal tool in a channel. This task uses the Organization Admin's token (Cliq Organization Admin) for authentication. 

Post to Bot

The zoho.cliq.postToBot task can be used to post message to a bot. This task requires you to provide the bot unique name and the response to be posted. 

The broadcast key decides if the response message should be broadcasted to all bot subscribers. When broadcast is set as true, the response message is broadcasted to all subscribers of the bot. 

The userids key can be used of the response message needs to be broadcasted only to a few subscribers of the bot. Simply use the userids key in the response map and pass the email ID's or the ZUID's of the subscribers you would like to notify. 

Post to Bot as Admin

The zoho.cliq.postToBotAsAdmin task can be used to post the execution response of any internal tool to the bot. This task uses the Organization Admin's token (Cliq Organization Admin) for authentication. 

This table gives a comprehensive overview of the tasks that can be used to connect Cliq and other applications and tasks that can be used to post to Cliq from other Zoho Applications. 

Deluge TaskConnect Cliq and other Applications (*fetch data from other applications to post in Cliq)Post to Cliq from other Zoho Applications