Unfurling via Extensions

Unfurled link previews in Cliq are handy since they provide a quick preview of the content a link leads to, saving lots of time as you decide whether something is worth reading, or better skipped over. 

With the Unfurl Handler, you can now personalize your link unfurling experience by adding custom actions and trigger workflows.

Here's how you can create a workflow to unfurl via extensions:

  • You will need an extension to use this feature. You will have to do one of the following:

    • Create a new extension by navigating to Bots & Tools My Extensions Create new extension 

    • Edit an existing extension of your choice by clicking on the Edit button. 

  • Scroll down to the Unfurl Handler and define the domain you want to customize. Note: The URL protocol should be skipped.

  • Edit the code in the handler of your choice

The Unfurl Anatomy

The anatomy of the unfurl can have any of the following:

  • Unfurling cards can be posted for oEmbed types link, rich, photo and video.

  • The unfurled message can have 3 buttons with an additional menu to add dynamic buttons.

  • A workflow can also be triggered post sending the unfurled message.