Response Codes

HTTP generates response status codes to indicate if a particular request has been a success or a failure. When you request access to the API, it communicates back on the status in the form of response codes. 

In general, the status codes in the 2xx range indicate "Success" and codes in the 4xx and 5xx range indicate "Failure" of the request. 

200SUCCESS - The API request was successful and completed without any errors.
201CREATED - The API to create a new resource was completed successfully and a new resource has been created.
400BAD REQUEST - The input passed in the Request API is invalid or incorrect. The requestor has to change the input parameters and send the request again.
401UNAUTHORIZED - The request is a special request and the user who has requested the operation is not entitled to perform the requested operation.
403FORBIDDEN - The user's account is not authorized to access the API.
404NOT FOUND - The requested API source is not available.
409CONFLICT - The request cannot be fulfilled due to a conflict in the state of the resource. 
500INTERNAL ERROR - The request cannot be completed due to an error that occurred in the server while processing the request.