
How do I generate a customized Tax Summary report?

To generate a customised Tax Summary report for your organisation:

  • Go to Reports on the left sidebar.
  • Select Taxes under Report Category and select Tax Summary.
  • Click Customise Report on the top right corner of the page.
  • Select a Date Range from the dropdown. You can also select Custom from the Date Range dropdown to choose a custom date range.
  • Select if you want the report to be generated on Accrual or Cash basis from the Report Basis dropdown.
  • Click Group By and select an option from the dropdown.
  • Select the Entities based on which the report should be generated.
  • If you want to add advanced filters to the report, click Add Filters under Advanced Filters and add the criteria for the filter.
  • Click Run Report to apply all the customisations and run the report.

Note: This feature is available only for the Global, Australia, Canada, Mexico, and India editions of Zoho Books.

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