Export as Template

Zoho Analytics allows you to export the blueprint of the views in a workspace as a template. You can import the template to other workspaces. This reduces the effort and time involved in creating similar reports across different departments or business units. 

  1. What is a Template?
  2. What type of views can be exported as Templates?
  3. How do I export views as a Template?
  4. How do I import Template into a Workspace?
  5. Can I copy views from one workspace to another?
  6. Can I copy views from one account to another?
  7. Can I retain the source's table relationships while importing views from templates?
  8. What is a Mismatch? How do I resolve them?

1. What is a Template?

Templates or template files are .atpt files that carry the design and layout of views 
(reports, dashboards, and tables) in your workspace. Template files can be used to copy views from one workspace to the other. This reduces the effort and time involved in creating similar reports across different teams, departments, or business units. 

Note: Template files do not include the underlying data and only carry the design blueprint of the views.

2. What type of views can be exported as Templates?

All views in a workspace can be exported as a template. This includes:

  • Tables
  • Query Tables
  • Charts
  • Pivot Views
  • Summary Views
  • Tabular Views
  • Dashboards

3. How do I export a view as a Template?

Exporting a View


Exporting Multiple Views


4. How do I import a Template into a Workspace?

5. Can I copy views from one Workspace to another? 

Yes, you copy views from one Workspace to another.

6. Can I copy views from one account to another?

Yes, you can copy views from one account to another?

7. Can I retain the source's table relationships while importing views from templates?

Yes. If all related/dependent tables are imported into the destination workspace, the lookup relationship between them will be retained. 

In case any related tables are not present in the template file, you can choose to remap the views to the tables in the destination workspace manually. 

To learn more about remapping a table or column while importing views from templates. Refer here to know how to join while importing

8. What is a Mismatch? How do I resolve them?