Registering New Client

Before you get started with authorization, you need to register with Zoho Developer Console. Follow the below steps to register with Zoho's Developer console.

  1. Visit Developer Console and click GET STARTED.
  2. Choose Client Type that suits your application type.
    • Client-based Applications: Applications that are built to run exclusively on browsers independent of web servers.
    • Server-based Applications: Web-based applications that are built to run with a dedicated HTTP server.
      NOTE:Server-based applications are chosen when your application is used by multiple users and requires user intervention during authorization.
    • Mobile-based Applications: Applications that are built to run on smartphones and tablets.
    • Non-browser Applications: Applications that run on devices without browsers such as smart TVs and printers.
    • Self Client: For standalone server-side application performing a back-end job, and you do not have a domain and a redirect URL.
      NOTE:Self Client type is recommended for users using ZohoAnalytics UploadTool and ZohoAnalytics Client Libraries.
  3. After choosing the client type, provide the required details and click Create.

On successful registration, you will be provided with a set of OAuth 2.0 credentials such as <Client_ID> and <Client_Secret> that will be only known to Zoho and your application. (Do not share this credentials anywhere.)