Access token expiry

Whenever an access token expires, the client can regenerate the access tokens without any additional confirmation from the end-user if they had enabled Grant access for the entire session on the OAuth prompt page. Once granted, the access tokens can be refreshed until the end-user terminates their session.

Grant Access

URI endpoint: <AccountsServer>/oauth/v2/auth/refresh  

HTTP Request Type: GET

Mandatory parameters:

  • client_id - Obtained during registration
  • response_type=token - Constant
  • state - This will be sent back to the client. This is used to avoid CSRF attacks.
  • redirect_uri - The URL to which the Access Token will be sent. This should be the same as registering during registration.
  • scope - Comma separated scopes for which access is needed.

Troubleshoot error codes when refreshing access tokens

client_not_granted - The user hasn't granted permission for that session or may have signed out of the session.
prompt_required - The scopes mentioned are not granted by the user for that client. The error occurs when you add scopes in oauth/v2/auth/refresh that are not in oauth/v2/auth.

Sample HTTP Request

response_type=token& scope=AaaServer.profile.Read&

Sample HTTP Response

After verifying your JavaScript domain, we will send the access token to the redirect URI.
