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Analyse Sentiment

Note:  The response format for this task has been modified to give a varied and more enhanced response. Refactor your scripts to suit the new response type before 7th June, 2024. An underscore(_) will be placed in your existing scripts to help you identify the places where this task has been currently used. For instance the underscore will be placed as below,<sentence>);


The task interprets the given piece of text to predict if it shows anger, disappointment, sarcasm, neutral, happy, or extremely happy emotion. The response of this task also includes the probability percentage of each emotion in the given sentence.


  • This task only supports English.
  • The prediction results may not be accurate, which is also the case with any AI prediction. However, we are working on improving this.
  • The prediction results are dynamic. The same script may produce different outcomes at different times based on how much the machine has learned.


<response> =<sentence>);          


ParamsData typeDescription
<response>KEY-VALUESpecifies the predicted sentiment in the given sentence
<sentence>TEXTSpecifies the piece of text whose sentiment needs to be interpreted


The following script interprets the sentiment of the given text - The session was intriguing.

response ="The session was intriguing.");          


The KEY-VALUE response that represents the predicted sentiment in the given sentence. Here, the predicted emotion is neutral.
"The session was intriguing."
The TEXT that represents the piece of text that needs to be interpreted

Response Format

Success Response

  • The old success response for the above mentioned script will be returned in the following format.

  • The new success response for the above mentioned script will be returned in the following format.

      "data":[{"Text":"The session was intriguing.","Emotion":"Neutral"}]

Note:  The other possible responses for this task will be

  • Anger
  • Disappointment
  • Sarcasm
  • Neutral
  • Happy
  • Extremely Happy

Failure Response

  • The failure response returned for an empty input text will remain the same and in the following format.

     "Error Message ":"FAILED"


  • For sentiment analysis, you can enter only up to a maximum input of 30 words. If you have a longer text, we recommend finding sentiment for each sentence and averaging out the sentiment.

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