The Digg Effect on Zoho

Zoho got the "Digg Effect" today.


On the whole our services survived the onslaught of traffic, except for one, ZohoSheet, which went down for an hour or so. We know why too: ZohoSheet, along with ZohoCreator, hasn't yet moved to our grid based framework, while ZohoWriter, ZohoShow, ZohoCRM and the new ZohoProjects have all been on it. So as of today, we can handle a lot more load on ZohoWriter than on ZohoSheet. The Digg effect proved that.

We are working hard on solving this - ZohoCreator will move to the grid within the next couple of weeks, and ZohoSheet within a month. We are also adding server capacity constantly to increase the capacity of each of the Zoho services. Single sign-on is another thing being furiously worked on. So there is a lot cooking at Zoho.

Please give us some time - by the end of the year, we will provide a much more pleasant user experience at Zoho. The services we are working on involve solving a lot of hard engineering problems. Our team is hard working and diligent, not to mention very productive, as you can judge from the product releases and updates. Please give us some time, and we promise to delight you.


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